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Monday, May 28, 2012

Wealth without growth - Why the current economic system is incompatible with sustainable development

Since 1972 when the Club of Rome first invoked the dramatic consequences of unlimited growth, global awareness as to the relationship between growth and environmental destruction has been considerably sharpened. Growth is no longer considered a boon pure and simple. Ecological minded people start to make a difference between positive and harmful growth. Of course, growth itself is no evil. To be alive means the same to societies as to individuals: They are vigorous only as long as they go through phases of bodily or mental growth. It is therefore of utmost importance to distinguish between different kinds of growth: damaging und positive. When labeling growth as a destructive force, we refer to quantitative growth alone, which essentially means an ever-swelling turnover of material goods and a concomitant depletion of nonrenewable resources. Growth however, that is based on renewable sources – including, of course, all growth pertaining to human knowledge and skills – testifies to the greatest achievements of any society.